Sunday, April 19, 2009


With the progressive secularization brought about by modernization and by systematic attempts to destroy spiritual values, a vast majority of children live in a fear of many things they should not be.When we first started schooling and even before that we have been told of many stories. Some interesting ones you may find below; which creates unnecessary fear;

Foolhudhiguhandi – aiminabi meets this mythical figure showering with sand using a skull near a mosque. In the good old days people mostly women used to go fetch water to the wells in mosques. The story is built on a character with a long naval, who pokes it through the walls in aiminabi’s house while her husband is away.
It’s not amusing when you really don’t get any moral in these types of stories.

Safaru kaidha – A demon, actually transformed to a human get married to a woodcutter and get 3 children. The story continues, when a relative of the guy who is a black magician visits their house and finds out about the demon. Later he chants black magic to save him and blah blah blah. Later, this demon/women does abnormal thing in the gifili and takes away the children. Voila, there starts the fear of gifili. Moral- don’t get married to demons.OK, what about the stories you have heard about a aiburi or boaburi in the toilet, And the stories about people not going to toilet at night, Because of earlier experiences with a ghost. I bet, you have had this fear when you were schooling.

Santhi mariyanmbu – basically this story makes the children shut up. They are so afraid that this character would come while they are sleeping and plant teeth in each and every part of the body. The moral of the story is don’t speak or don’t ask for what you really want. Great.

Rannamaai – one the most bogus stories, every night a young virgin girl is to be taken to a sanctuary to be fed by a ghost, then the savior Abul Barakaath come from nowhere and puts this character in a bottle. Moral- no moral
source: pic

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